[Books] When did I start reading… and more.

There would be a lot of people what book that started my love for reading. Harry Potter. Yep, pretty much what would people my age would say. Well, people who has a knack for reading at my age. But I did try to read when I was in my pre-school days. You know, those thin story books like Little Mermaid, Cinderella, and the whole lot of princesses.

To me though, I started quite late, that’s what I think. It all went like this, I was in 4th grade when my Auntie came home and made a deal with me. She will give me the books that I wanted to read that time. She said she’ll buy them for me, that is if I promise to read them earnestly. Of course, I don’t have any money so I said, ‘Deal!’. Back then, I didn’t know that it will be a decision that I will not regret in my life.

Of course, I found friends from Harry, Ron, and Hermione. I wanted to be sorted to Gryffindor, of course. Where else, right? I loathed Snape because he was mean to Harry. But I cried for him and because of him when I read the last book. Everything changed for me when I encountered this world. How I look at people and how I should understand them as a person. I grew up with a magical world away from reality.

After reading the last book around, 2007 in my 4th year in highschool, I was upset and relieved. I am never going to see my friends again. I am never going to know how they are. I didn’t know how to satisfy my reading thirst any more. Then I heard about this vampire novel. Yeah, that’s Twilight. I got interested. I devoured the series. Though not all 4 books were out by then. I thank my dad for the books, though I want to burn it now. I have my reasons.

It has not satisfy me, unfortunately. Though I gushed over how hot Jacob Black was. Hey, I’d rather be Team Jacob than Team Edward. That weird sparkling vampire. *cringe* By this time, I am all over the place. I am still not satisfied by the books I am reading. They are not the same as my magical world. They’re okay, but not as good.

From there though, I started as an OJT in a certain telecommunications company, where my supervisor, loves reading as well. I learned so many from her, and I got to read on of her favorites too. Lauren Kate’s Fallen. This time, angels. How I loved reading about them and how the author has woven how angels fall in love. It was a much better love story than that of Bella and Edward’s. Not too sorry, Stephenie Meyer.

I am not sure if you can see the pattern though, I went from magic school fantasy to weird romantic genres. I still haven’t forgotten my friends, but I did open up to reading a romance stories– erotic ones for that matter. Uhhm.. Fifty Shades of Grey, eerily. To think it started out as Twilight fan fiction. This time, I have explored one to many worlds though. I still revisit my friends from time to time. It is quite different now, reading books from your childhood as an adult. That was when I promised myself to always read the printed word.

I could talk about more of the books I have read and why I mostly read fantasy and young adult, but it will make this post like a novel. My main focus though is to read the best epic fantasy there is. As mentioned on my previous post, this will be Tolkien’s world. I am just a few pages in, regrettably. I am getting there though~! 🙂

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